If all baby pictures look the same to you, or if you are bored by pictures of vacations you were not on, move along. Nothing to see here. For those who believe that it is in the seemingly small things in life that there is much to see, love, and learn from, then stay. Stay, and hear me.

Friday, September 01, 2006

The Eldest of the NC Dufeks

Joey is our first born. Born on 6/11/04, he has made the last 2 years the best of my life. I thought I knew what to expect with this whole fatherhood thing. I had no idea how much joy it would bring me.
Joey and I love to watch some ball, and I have to say, I'm raising him up well. No matter what sport is on tv, no matter who's playing, he's shouting "go Yankees" and "swing batta". Got to lay a solid foundation.

So, Joey likes to drive. The cool thing about this pic (aside from the fact that he makes pink look ultra-masculine) is that the ride he is sitting in isn't turned on. Call it what you want, but Heather and I are committed to protecting our kids from the disappointment that hits when the ride is over. So, the ride never ends. He could sit in there for 5 times longer than the rest of the kids who are preconditioned to feel sad after 90 seconds of bumping and bouncing. Pretty smart, we think. =)

In reality, I look at my son and think, "this is how I am affecting the world".
My life is far from over, but I know that a big part of who I am is about raising my sons to do more in their lifetime than I can do in mine. They will choose what they are passionate about. But I'll be darned if they ever believe that they can't do whatever they set their minds to.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi josh its LIZZY!!!!!!!!! bobby and joey are so cute!

10:19 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi josh Its Annie! I miss you I love looking at all the pictures!

10:20 AM


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