If all baby pictures look the same to you, or if you are bored by pictures of vacations you were not on, move along. Nothing to see here. For those who believe that it is in the seemingly small things in life that there is much to see, love, and learn from, then stay. Stay, and hear me.

Friday, September 01, 2006

There's a new kid in town

So, our Joey has a brother.

"Table for four."
"Four tickets, please."
"These are my sons."
"What's your minimum for a group discount?"

I never really imagined myself saying those words. Two boys is more than I could have wished for.

So it is with great pride and much joy that I announce that... Robert Elliott was born on August 30, at 6:59 pm EST. At 8lbs 3oz, he was almost 1 lb heavier than his brother, yet almost an inch shorter at 20.5".

Mother and son are doing wonderfully, and we're home now. Heather was amazing during the delivery; I am convinced that she is the strongest woman alive. Less than 2 hours of labor, and about 8 minutes of pushing.

I'm sure I'll have much to say on this matter; there's a lot boiling around in my mind. Not much of it is profound, but I'm sure you'll be impressed by some of it. Suffice it to say than my awe for life and it's Creator has been renewed. I've been blessed with much to laugh about, and I've done my share of crying. But I can't remember a time when I laughed or cried as hard as I did when I laid my eyes on my second son.

As you can see, he sleeps quite a bit. I guess after lazing around for 9 months it takes more than a few days to break the habit. H says that Joey was the same way. How soon we forget.
More pics will follow, but I wanted to get things up and running.


Blogger The Revak Fam said...

Heath & Josh....I'm SO happy to hear the news. We are enjoying the same thing you are--a newborn! Is it amazing or what? I'm jealous of Heather's quick delivery, but God is good and I'd do it again for Addie. God bless....talk to ya soon. LOVE THE PICTURES!!!!!

5:04 PM

Blogger Imajule said...

He's a doll - actually, both Bobby and Joey are dolls! They must take after you Heath-er! Can't imagine that you could have an 8 pounder. You go girl!!

5:16 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, you do have much about which to rejoice (hard for me to end a sentence with a preposition). Thanks for letting us visit and see the boyz, and forget that thing I said about Bobby Elliot the NASCAR driver. ;)

5:25 PM

Blogger Christian said...

Hey, Josh & Heather, Congrats!!! Great pics and love the narration. Looking forward to keeping in touch.

6:06 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

In response to the "crazyg" who took a poke at my self confidence. Some say these boys actually look a bit like their dad...

6:41 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Josh & Heather! Your kids are adorable!

7:40 PM

Blogger The Revak Fam said...

Oh...I did forget to mention that I think I will be on the lookout for some CLEVELAND INDIANS t shirts for the kiddos! Poor boys---they need a real team to root for!!!!


7:29 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Go ahead and send those t-shirts, Liz. I'll post pictures of what they look like when I'm done with them.

7:35 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Josh,
Just got this web page from Dadu. Wanted to say Congrats. Sorry we haven't called we've meant to, of course. Hope all is going well. I am extremely jealous that Heather is able to have the babies that quick. WOW!! Threee girls and 3 emergency C-sections it's great to see someone excelling in the birthing experience. I guess you and Heather are going to be the one's having the boy's on the Perkins' side of the Family. I guess Glodoo (Amber's nickname for Aunt Gory) will have a mixture of both. We love you guy's. And hope to see you soon. We will have to set up some time to see each other soon. Is this Christmas your yr??? Let us know because we are going to try to come down.
Miss you much,
Kiss the boys and tell them we love them,

Uncle Brent and Aunt Lisa
Triple A cousins
Ashlea, Alisa, and Amber

3:15 PM


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