If all baby pictures look the same to you, or if you are bored by pictures of vacations you were not on, move along. Nothing to see here. For those who believe that it is in the seemingly small things in life that there is much to see, love, and learn from, then stay. Stay, and hear me.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Hear Me

I'm sitting in the library down the road from my store... wishing my wife and boys were here to have lunch with me before my afternoon meeting. I don't do so well when they're gone; I pretty much just stay at the store and don't eat very well. Although I think I got things off on the right foot last night: a Veggie Sub with extra onions and banana peppers for dinner didn't exactly make me friends, but I felt good about myself.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Funny thing the wife said this evening: "I made the stew that we had the last time Josh was over." We've already given most of the stew away, but you're still welcome to come hang out at our place.

8:35 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey buddy...I feel your pain. What is it about marriage that causes guys to lose their ability to function as a single person?

9:06 AM


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